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tv   State of the Union with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash  CNN  May 2, 2021 8:15pm-9:00pm PDT

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refund liberty, refund the pursuit of all this. go on with your bad self. xxxxx ♪ ♪ a big tent. president biden lays out his sweeping agenda. >> it's time to grow the economy from the bottom and the middle out. >> but as challenges grow is he open to a different approach. i'll speak with senior adviser anita dunn and senator susan collins next. and a divided house. republicans look to punish leaders who broke with former president trump as the house minority leader doubles down on the big lie and a lot of big little lies. in today's republican party there is room for anyone else. i'll speak with biden backer and the wife of the late john
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mccain, cindy mccain, next. plus waiting to exhale, vaccination rates are starting to slow. how could the u.s. make the case to those who are hesitant to get the shot? hello, i'm jake tapper in washington where the state of our union is trying to build bridges, literally and figuratively. president biden's multi-trillion dollars plan to expand social safety nets are being put to the test in a congress more divided than at any time in modern history, as polls show a majority of americans do nonetheless want to political leaders to prioritize being bipartisan over achieving everything they want to accomplish. for many in the republican party, the focus is else with. too many continuing to embrace the culture of lying about biden's proposal, about the election, about the vaccine, about the insurrection and publishing fellow lawmakers that don't demonstrate adequate fealty to president trump and booing the republican nominee
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from 2012, mitt romney. i'll talk to susan collins about the state of her party and whether bipartisanship is possible on the issues facing the nation. but first let's start with biden's policy goals which face an uncertain future in the senate. might that lead to a change in tactics. joining me now is senior adviser to president biden anita dunn. so joe manchin said on the show last week that he wants biden's infrastructure bill divided up so there will be included in it a separate package focused on traditional infrastructure. are you looking into going that route, splitting up the packaging so you could at least get one bill, infrastructure, passed with bipartisan support in congress? >> good morning, jake and thank you for having me on this very beautiful sunday in washington. president biden has been clear
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that he knows this is a negotiation, that he knows that negotiation requires compromise at some point. and that he wants to move this package forward in a bipartisan way, if that's possible. he had a very good conversation with west virginia senator capito at the end of the last week. she and some of her republican colleagues had stepped forward with a counterproposal package that does focus around traditional infrastructure. and this is something that we've planned to have serious discussions with senator capito and her colleagues. the president has said his red line is inaction, that we cannot afford not to make these investments in america's economy and in america's workers in good jobs for workers. we've talked about infrastructure for years. democrats and republicans both acknowledge we need to make these investments, in making our economy competitive with the global economy.
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so, we're looking forward to having discussions. we are open to people's ideas, this is discussion time and idea time for the white house. >> so biden invited senator republicans to meet with him again at the white house for infrastructure negotiations later this month. he has said it is a no-go if they're only willing to agree to one-fourth or one-fifth of what he proposed which is $2.3 trillion. senator capito put together a proposal, it is about $600 billion. would the president be willing to go down from $2.3 trillion to, say, a trillion dollars in order to reach compromise. i'm not asking you to negotiate with me, but are you saying that there is a possibility of meeting in the middle somewhere when it comes to how much money to be spent? >> the president has been clear that he is willing to negotiate, that he's willing to compromise and that he believes that democrats and republicans should be able to find common ground on these common goals for our country, goals that both parties
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agree on, that they believe we need to fix the roads and bridges, but we need to build the infrastructure for the future and that means rural areas need broadband as much as urban areas do for an affordable cost. it means that we need to get the lead out of drinking water. it is unconscionable that in 2021 we have so many children drinking out of fountains where you have water going through pipes that have lead in them still. there is a lot of agreement here, and what we're going to do at the white house and ma president biden has said he wants to do is to look for areas of agreement and build on those. >> i want to turn to mask wearing. because despite knew cdc guidelines saying that fully vaccinated people like the president generally do not need to wear masks outdoors, or even in their indoors with small groups people who are already vaccinated, but president biden
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doesn't seem to be following that. he got his shot months ago, and he still wears a mask walking outside in public appearances, he still wears a mask indoors with people who are also vaccinated. former baltimore commissioner dr. leana wen warns that that could discourage people from getting vaccinated. quote, at best it makes public health measures seem performative rather than science-based and called vaccine efficacy into question. should the president start following these guidelines and stop wearing a mask outdoors, stop wearing a mask indoors with small groups of other vaccinated americans to show the american people there is a benefit to getting the vaccine. you could take the mask off. >> jake, it's interesting that you raise this. i myself found that i was still wearing my mask outdoors this week because it has become such a matter of habit. i think the president takes the cdc guidelines very seriously. and he's always taken his role as sending a signal to follow
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the science very seriously as well. you know, we do take some extra precautions for him because he is the president of the united states. but i would say that people should follow the cdc guidelines and they should take advantage of getting the vaccine, getting fully vaccinated and taking that mask off, particularly as the weather grows so beautiful and we all want to be outside. it is a lot more fun to take that outside walk without a mask, that outside bike ride. and i think that as people get vaccinated, they're enjoying it and enjoying that freedom. so as we move forward, i think that you will see more and more people enjoying that freedom, getting the vaccine, and realizing it is one big step towards normalcy in this country. >> yeah. more and more people including the president perhaps. let me ask you, because we're running out of time, india is experiencing one of the worst covid outbreaks in the world right now. hospitals are overwhelming, crematoriums are burning throughout the night as the dead bodies pile up.
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i understand that the u.s. has begun sending some supplies to india to help, but the u.s. is sitting on millions of doses of the astrazeneca vaccine which has not been approved for use in the u.s. why isn't the biden administration releasing the astrazeneca stockpile right now to save lives in india which is a close ally of the united states in desperate, desperate need? >> so to be clear, jake, there isn't some huge warehouse filled with astrazeneca vaccines that we could just release at a moment's notice. the president earlier this week did announce he's going to use the astrazeneca vaccines that this country has ordered that have not been cleared, as you pointed out, for use in the united states. but that he is going to share them with the world. so india and other countries as well. because this is, as he said in his speech, this virus isn't going to be kept out by any wall. there is no wall high enough to
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keep the virus out. it is a global health emergency. and so the president has said we have enough vaccine in the united states without astrazeneca to vaccinate everybody who is eligible right now. those are people who are 16 years, and older and if you haven't gotten your vaccine, it is the single best way to get back to normal in this country. but in terms of the astrazeneca, as soon as it is ready to be shared with the world, we plan to share it. the president has said that. we also had our first aid flights to india land there on friday. they will continue. we are getting them essential products that they need urgently, oxygen and ppe. it is a global health crisis. and unfortunately what is going on in india is something we have to worry about for the rest of the world as well. >> we're running out of time. lastly president biden said in a interview that schools should probably all be open in the fall. is the biden administration's position that all k through 12
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schools should be back full time in-person learning start of next school year, and is the biden white house willing to push back on any teachers unions or others who stake out any position to the contrary not backed up by science? >> so, jake, one of the great accomplishments of this administration and one the president is very proud of is that 80% of the teachers and school personnel in this country have now been vaccinated. if you recall, a couple of months ago we -- the president made the announcement that we're going to have a special supply of vaccine dedicated precisely for this reason. and he said probably. he didn't say absolutely. but given the science, if the vaccination program in this country proceeds, if people do go get their vaccines, he does believe that schools should be able to reopen in september, and reopen safely following the cdc guidelines. but he said probably. he did not say absolutely,
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because we've all seen this since unfortunately january of 2020. it is an unpredictable virus. >> yeah. >> and it is a virus that mutates. so we can't look in a crystal ball and say what september looks like, but we do believe that if people go get their vaccine. if they have doubts about it, they should ask their doctor, they should ask people who have already gotten it. they should certainly do their own research. but if people get the vaccine and if schools follow the cdc guidelines, then, as he said, we probably should be able to have them open. >> anita dunn, thank you for your time. appreciate it. go and enjoy this beautiful weather. in a party where it is bad politics to say hello to the president. where is the room for compromise. i'm going to ask a senator known for working across the aisles. senator susan collins from bangor, maine, joins me next. stay with us. from the center of me collection. ♪time after...♪
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so... you can pull photos straight from video. impressive. but will it last the whole trip? you'll have battery all day. and then more. this is different. told you. ♪ welcome back to "state of the union," i'm jake tapper. former republican presidential nominee and current republican senator mitt romney being booed down and narrowly avoided being censured by utah's republican party. it is one more example of the republican base's ongoing loyalty to president trump. my next guest surprised a lot of people by decisively winning her seat again in 2020. joining me now for her first
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national tv interview in quite a long time, susan collins of maine, joins us live from bangor. it is an honor to have you. thank you so much. >> thank you, jake. great to join you. >> so you just heard from top white house adviser anita dunn laying out a case for the president's infrastructure package. the $600 billion republican proposal offered by senator capito and other is a fraction of what biden is offering. you say that biden's plan has $938 billion in traditional infrastructure. so are you willing to go that high on a compromise, $938 billion, $1 trillion? is that a good point for discussion? >> well, at this point, i think now that the republicans have
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put forth a reasonable offer, it's up to the president to do a counteroffer to us. i would point out that if you look at all the president's recent proposals, they total more than $4.1 trillion. that's the amount that we spent to win world war ii. so this is an enormous package when you take both the traditional core infrastructure parts and the huge expansion of social programs that the president is advocating. >> i mean, in world war ii dollars, of course, but i take your point. it is a big proposal. >> right. >> now you said that a modest increase in the corporate tax rate would be okay with you to help pay for infrastructure. because biden is proposing tax increases to try to pay for some of the proposals. the current corporate tax rate is 21%. biden wants 28%. would you be willing to meet in the middle at 25% or so? >> well, let me tell you what i
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won't support. i won't support american businesses paying the highest corporate tax rate among developed countries in the world once again. and, unfortunately, that is what 28% would be, and that means that jobs would once again go overseas. so i think we need to look at a wide variety of pay-fors but first we need to determine the scope of the bill and we need to determine what the top line is going to be. there are a host of different ways to pay for it. but that is premature to get to until we decide the amount and what exactly is it going to cover. >> let me ask you, because some of your republican colleagues have suggested that biden's calls for bipartisanship were just campaign rhetoric, just a charade and he's been governing as a far left partisan democrat.
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you served with joe biden in the senate for quite some time. when is the last time you talked with him, is he trying to win your vote? is he trying to work with you? >> i last talked with him on super bowl sunday. he called me out of the blue. at that point we were talking about the covid package. and i was very disappointed having led a group of ten republicans who went to the white house with a good faith first offer on the covid package, and the very next day unfortunately senator schumer triggered a process in the budget, it's known at reconciliation, that is essentially used to block out the minority party. so this is going to be a test for joe biden. the joe biden that i knew in the senate was always interested in negotiation. i thought very highly of him.
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i like him. i worked with him. this is going to be a test on whether president biden is truly interested in bipartisanship. if he is, we could get there on the core infrastructure package. and by that i mean roads, bridges, highways, rails, waterways, and of course broadband. >> yeah. reconciliation used to pass the trump tax cuts, though, right? >> i'm sorry? >> reconciliation was also used to pass the trump tax cuts. it is not just democrats who use that to shut out the minority party. republicans just did it, too. >> there was a different approach that was used for the 2017 tax cuts. we did go through committee. there were extensive hearings, so it was a markup. that is not what happened with the covid package.
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now the president said that that is because it is an emergency. but in the case of infrastructure, we have time to go through the committee process, to hear from experts to get diverse views and to try to come together, and i hope very much that that is is what we will do. and i have indicated to the two cabinet secretaries that i've talked recently to, the secretary of commerce and the secretary of transportation, that i'm willing to work very hard to achieve a consensus package. >> let me ask you, the house just passed legislation to make washington, d.c. the 51st state. the legislation is now in the senate. where are you on that? >> washington, d.c. is a city. it is not a state. now there is a way to ensure that the residents of d.c. have voting representation in congress, and that is for d.c. to become part of maryland, just as parts of d.c. became parts of virginia many years ago.
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that would give the residents of d.c. a new house member, and they would be represented in the senate by maryland senators. so i think that is a good way for us to approach this issue. there also are constitutional issues to be dealt with. >> let me ask you, you're on senate intelligence committee. federal investigators to looking into the havana syndrome, attacks on the united states, mysterious attacks leading to ear popping, headaches and nausea and one national security official was sickened. you've been focusing on this on the committee and what could you tell us, and how concerned should americans be? >> i'm absolutely outraged that these attacks on our american personnel serving overseas, they started in havana or were first identified there. there is a mysterious direct energy weapon that is being used, and it is causing in some cases permanent traumatic brain injury. and yet the personnel involved,
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there have been other attacks around the world, have had a difficult time getting both the medical care and the financial help that they need from the cia. and that is outrageous. what we need to do -- and i'm introducing, working on legislation -- is to ensure they get the medical care and the financial compensation that they need and we need a whole of government approach to identify what adversary is targeting american personnel who are serving particularly overseas, but now we hear reports of cases here. i am hopeful that with the new cia director, whom i've talked to about this issue twice, he is committed and also the chair, mark warner, and the vice chair, marco rubio, of the intelligence committee have announced that we're going to continue our investigations and get to the bottom of this absolutely outrageous attacks on our men and women who are serving our
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country. >> let's turn to the state of the republican party. your fellow republican senator mitt romney, who i believe is a friend of yours, he was booed by delegates at the utah republican convention yesterday. what was your reaction when you saw the clip of him being booed and the close vote to censure him. >> i was appalled, mitt romney is an outstanding senator who served his state and our country well. wee republicans need to remember that we are united by fundamental principles such as a belief in personal responsibility, individual freedom, opportunity, free markets, a strong national defense, those are the principles that unite us. we are not a party of -- that is led by just one person. there are many prominent
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upcoming younger men and women in our party who hold great promise for leading us. and i think that all of us who abide by those principles should remember ronald reagan's admonition to republicans that the person who agrees with you 70% or 80% of the time is your friend not your enemy. >> and yet, if you look at what is going on in the house among republicans, some republicans including kevin mccarthy and steve scalise are attacking and trying to undermine congresswoman liz cheney for fist bumping biden on the floor
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and speaking out about trump's lies about the election and they're also upset she voted to impeach the president. is it political dangerous to be a republican like liz cheney who tries to stand up for facts and truth regarding the election and the insurrection? >> liz cheney is a woman of strength and conscience. and she did what she felt was right, and i salute her for that. we need to be accepting of difference in our party. we don't want to become like too much of the democratic party which has been taken over by the progressive left. we need to have rooms for a variety of views, especially since we adhere to those core principles that i mentioned earlier. >> after president trump was
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impeached for the first time for urging ukraine's president to investigate joe biden, you said you believed, you hoped the president had learned his lesson. and you said that was aspirational. but after biden won, the president tried to overturn the election results that culminated in the capitol attack. do you ever wonder that trump did learn a lesson, but the lesson he learned is that he can get away with anything? >> first of all, that was an interview that was grossly misedited. it chopped out the rest of what i said, which was in dealing with foreign governments -- >> oh, okay. >> -- i hope that the president has learned a lesson. but to get to your point, i've been involved in three impeachment trials. i voted to acquit president clinton and president trump the first time, to convict him the second time.
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in each case, what i have done is listen to the facts, apply the evidence, and follow constitutional standard for convicting a president. my approach has not changed. i used exactly the same criteria. the criteria that the constitution requires. in the first two cases, i did not feel that the conduct was proven to meet the highest bar for removing a president from office. in the third case i felt it did. >> yeah, it wasn't really a question about your behavior. it was a question about trump and whether or not he learned the wrong lesson. but let me ask you, as long as we're on the subject of your feelings about trump, you didn't say who he voted for in 2020. you're running for re-election. i could understand that. maine is a state with a lot of independents and independent-minded people. but now that the election is
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over, who did you vote for in 2020? >> nice try, jake. i got asked that a great deal, and i'm going to keep my vote private. to me, my election was all about who could better represent maine and the country. i will work with whomever is the president. i've done that with four presidents, and i'm going to continue to do that with joe biden, with president biden. to me that is important, the ability to be able to work with the president, whether or not the president is of your party and also to be able to work across the aisle and forge bipartisan consensus on the many important issues that we face and i hope to be successful in helping to forge a bipartisan infrastructure package. >> senator susan collins, republican of maine. it is great to see you.
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don't be such a stranger. hope to have you on again sometime soon. thanks for joining us. >> thank you, jake. o tried me fe energy in just two weeks! ( sighs wearily ) here, i'll take that! ( excited yell ) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one-gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health! (burke) phone it in to 1-800-farmers to get policy perks, ( abbot sonic ) like a home and auto-bundle discount.d nutrients to support immune health! (man) i'm phoning it in and just saved twenty percent. (burke) get your policy perks by calling 1-800-farmers. go ahead, phone it in. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ biden: when i think about climate change, the word i think of is jobs. vo: and these aren't just the jobs of tomorrow. they're the jobs of right now. good paying jobs to modernize our infrastructure.
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in manufacturing. construction. engineering. they're in our cities... in our suburbs... and our small towns... we take on climate change... and we build back better with clean energy jobs. biden: so let's waste any more time, let's get to work. fact: moms rule. and we all want ours to be healthy. explore your dna together, and use those insights to inspire healthier actions. because healthier is better together. so buy one health + ancestry kit for $149, and get a second for just $99. breyers is always so delicious... i can tell that they used your milk, matilda. great job! [moo] you're welcome. breyers natural vanilla is made with 100% grade a milk and cream and only sustainably farmed vanilla. better starts with breyers. (vo) we live in a world of fees. milk and cream and only sustainably farmed vanilla. airlines, hotels, food delivery, and especially car dealers all charge excessive, last-minute fees.
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injected into mainstream politics. one twisted the conclusions of an academic paper and reducing greenhouse gases to invent the idea that that president biden's plan will limit americans to one hamburger a month. it was nonsense. biden had nothing to do with any proposal like that. the story was reported by the usual maga media. but it was so false, by last monday, even some of them acknowledged the lie and issued corrections. nonetheless, on wednesday, house republican leader kevin mccarthy was still out there pushing the lie about biden as hamburglar. >> he wants control of your life. he's going to control how much meat you can eat. can you imagine that? >> can i imagine that? i mean, i would like to imagine a house republican leader who didn't find it so easy to lie to the american people.
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but too many leaders of the gop are just all in on pure nonsense. last monday, the chair of the republican national committee, ronna mcdaniel tweeted, quote, after learning officials are handing out kamala harris' book to migrants at facilities at the border, was harris paid for these books? is she profiting from biden's border crisis, unquote, a reference to another downright lie, a story that first appeared in "the new york post" that grabbed a photo of one copy of the children's book by the vice president in a shelter and invented this fiction that the book was being handed out in welcome kits given to migrant children at a shelter in long beach, california. not true. and that harris was, as mcdaniel falsely suggested, profiting from biden's border crisis, unquote. none of it's true. it was one book donated to the shelter.
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"the new york post" deleted the story. then they rewrote it. the so-called journalist who wrote it up no longer works for the post. she said it was an incorrect story she was forced to write. "the post" denies that. in any case, the story about the vice president's book was a lie. it was all made up. guess what? ronna mcdaniel's tweet is still up. why? well, why not? i mean, this tweet is still up from the organization she runs, the republican national committee featuring prevaricating attorney sidney powell falsely claiming, quote, president trump won in a landslide, unquote. the same lies fuelling this deranged recount going on in arizona this week, led by another election liar and encouraged down in mar-a-lago. >> i wouldn't be surprised if they found thousands and thousands and thousands of votes. >> i mean, it is just incredible that that sad scene represents what so many folks consider intimidating. lie after lie after lie.
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look, i'm not talking about opinions. if people want to rail against biden's border policies or his $6 trillion worth of proposals or whatever, have at it. that's not what i'm talking about. i'm talking about made-up convoluted crap, and it's having an impact. look at the polls shows almost half of republican voters will likely refuse to get vaccinated, while republican leaders with zero medical expertise, zero such as wisconsin senator ron johnson take to the airwaves to contradict health experts urging vaccinations. >> because it's not a fully proved vaccine, i think we probably should have limited the distribution to the vulnerable. >> i mean, what is this? does he really think everyone of the more than 576,000 people in the u.s. who have died and the millions who have gotten very sick, does he think every one of them was in the really
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vulnerable group? because they were not. is senator johnson trying to get more americans sick? we have multiple vaccines that work. trump got vaccinated. the incentive structure in the republican party and its media does not punish those who spread bad medical advice or lies. in fact, quite the opposite. telling the truth as a republican official can be hazardous to your political health. here is utah senator mitt romney yesterday being booed at the utah republican convention. romney was trying to criticize biden's policies and his approach, but it was a struggle for him to get those words out because of his words and votes previously against trump. >> and i'm also no fan -- >> show some respect! >> house conference chair liz cheney of wyoming has been attacked for standing up for the
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facts about the election and supporting the impeachment of trump for inciting the january 6 insurrection. this week after chaney came out in support of a commission that would focus on the insurrection, mccarthy and his deputy steve scalise both all-in election liars started attempting to undermine cheney in earnest. as councilman anthony gonzalez and other house voted to impeach trump, if a prerequisite for leading our conference is lying to our voters, then liz is not the best fit, unquote. it's my opinion that the united states needs a healthy, thriving, fact-based republican party. it is difficult to look at these events, all of them just from the last week and conclude that we have one. that does it for us today. make sure to tune in tomorrow to my weekly show "the lead."
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now from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. eastern. thanks for spending your sunday with us. stay with cnn. the news continues next. he moth. ♪ ♪ and this is how mom shines. with 30% off everything. at zales. the diamond store. we visited mars...mars! and people with diabetes are still pricking their fingers? that changes now. meet the dexcom g6. it shows your glucose right on your phone and where it's heading. finally, a better way to manage our diabetes.
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milk and cream and only sustainably farmed vanilla. better starts with breyers. germ proof your car with suarmor all disinfectant.a. kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses. (burke) phone it in to farmers to switch and you could save an average of four hundred and sixty-seven dollars on your auto insurance. (man) phone it in? way ahead of you. daddy's saving money. (burke) go ahead, phone it in. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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wanna help kids get their homework done? well, an internet connection's a good start. but kids also need computers. and sometimes the hardest thing about homework is finding a place to do it. so why not hook community centers up with wifi? for kids like us, and all the amazing things we're gonna learn. over the next 10 years, comcast is committing $1 billion to reach 50 million low-income americans with the tools and resources they need to be ready for anything. i hope you're ready. 'cause we are.
9:00 pm
well, let's get right into the news. nothing could be funnier than that. >> now look, don't start anything you can't finish. >> it's very intimate to be in someone's bedroom late at night. >> laughing, dude. >> that's the person you trust. >> what the hell were you thinking? >> i hit a nerve. >> funny, i think trump's everything. >> i didn't even know you were jewish. >> and s


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